Assistant Professor, The University of Kansas

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
2034 Eaton Hall

Institute for Information Sciences
137 Nichols Hall

[email protected] or [email protected]
@ngsankha / ngsankha

I am an Assistant Professor in the EECS Department at The University of Kansas. I am interested in practical tools that help programmers build correct and efficient software. My research specifically uses programming language abstractions to design program analysis and synthesis techniques that facilitate automatic construction of functionally correct software. I direct the KU Programming Systems Group.

I got my PhD from the University of Maryland, advised by Prof. Jeff Foster and Prof. David Van Horn. I have some industry experience working at Meta on the Hack programming language and at BrowserStack where I helped build cloud-scale testing infrastructure for apps and websites. Previously, I have contributed to SpiderMonkey - Mozilla Firefox’s JavaScript engine.

I am hiring graduate and undergraduate students for our group! Here are some reasons why our group and KU might be a great fit. Please send me an email and apply to the graduate program in EECS at KU if you want to join us. If you are already at KU, shoot me an email to set up a meeting.


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Absynthe: Abstract Interpretation-Guided Synthesis.
Sankha Narayan Guria, Jeffrey S. Foster and David Van Horn.
PLDI 2023.
ACM / Preprint / Source Code

Program Synthesis with Lightweight Abstractions.
Sankha Narayan Guria.
PhD Dissertation.

ANOSY: Approximated Knowledge Synthesis with Refinement Types for Declassification.
Sankha Narayan Guria, Niki Vazou, Marco Guarnieri and James Parker.
PLDI 2022.
ACM / Preprint / Source Code / Talk

RbSyn: Type- and Effect-Guided Program Synthesis.
Sankha Narayan Guria, Jeffrey S. Foster and David Van Horn.
PLDI 2021.
ACM / Extended Version / Source Code / Talk

Type-Level Computations for Ruby Libraries.
Milod Kazerounian, Sankha Narayan Guria, Niki Vazou, Jeffrey S. Foster and David Van Horn.
PLDI 2019.
ACM / Video / Extended Version / Source Code

Transparent Object Proxies for JavaScript.
Matthias Keil, Sankha Narayan Guria, Andreas Schlegel, Manuel Geffken and Peter Thiemann.
ECOOP 2015.
LIPICS / Video / Project Homepage / Artifact / Source Code


EECS 700: Introduction to Program Synthesis
Fall 2024 / Fall 2023

EECS 662: Programming Languages
Spring 2025 / Spring 2024