Synthesis + X
- Semantics-Guided Synthesis. Kim et al.
- Growing Solver-Aided Languages with Rosette. Torlak et al.
- Program sketching. Solar-Lezama et al.
- Syntax-guided synthesis. Alur et al.
- Synthesizing memory models from framework sketches and Litmus tests. Bornholt et al.
- Swizzle Inventor: Data Movement Synthesis for GPU Kernels. Phothilimthana et al.
- Chlorophyll: synthesis-aided compiler for low-power spatial architectures. Phothilimthana et al.
- DSAGEN: Synthesizing Programmable Spatial Accelerators. Weng et al.
- Semantic code search via equational reasoning. Premonton et al.
- Learning Syntactic Program Transformations from Examples Rolim et al.
- Scaling up Superoptimization. Phothilimthana et al.
- Synthesis of loop-free programs. Gulwani et al.
- Data Migration using Datalog Program Synthesis. Wang et al.
- Synthesizing database programs for schema refactoring. Wang et al.
- SQLizer: query synthesis from natural language. Yaghmazadeh et al.
- Synthesizing highly expressive SQL queries from input-output examples (Wang et al)
- Synthesizing Entity Matching Rules by Examples. Singh et al.
- Synthesizing interpretable strategies for solving puzzle games. Butler et al.
- sk_p: a neural program corrector for MOOCs. Pu et al.
- Synthesis of Problems for Shaded Area Geometry Reasoning. Alvin et al.
- Writing Reusable Code Feedback at Scale with Mixed-Initiative Program Synthesis. Head et al.
- InverseCSG: automatic conversion of 3D models to CSG trees. Du et al.
- Learning to Infer Graphics Programs from Hand-Drawn Images. Ellis et al.
- Synthesizing structured CAD models with equality saturation and inverse transformations. Nandi et al.
Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
- Small-Step Live Programming by Example. Ferdowsifard et al.
- Interactive Program Synthesis by Augmented Examples. Zhang et al.
- Rousillon: Scraping Distributed Hierarchical Web Data. Chasins et al.
Machine Learning
- RobustFill: Neural Program Learning under Noisy I/O. Devlin et al.
- Synthesizing Programmatic Policies that Inductively Generalize. Inala et al.
- Programmatically Interpretable Reinforcement Learning. Verma et al.
- HOUDINI: Lifelong Learning as Program Synthesis. Valkov et al.
- Synthesis of Fault-Tolerant Distributed Router Configurations. Subramanian et al.
- Genesis: synthesizing forwarding tables in multi-tenant networks. Subramanian et al.
- Learning Network Design Objectives Using A Program Synthesis Approach. Wang et al.
Natural Language Processing (NLP)
- Multi-modal synthesis of regular expressions. Chen et al.
- SQLizer: query synthesis from natural language. Yaghmazadeh et al.
- Program synthesis using natural language. Desai et al.
- Synthesis for Robots: Guarantees and Feedback for Robot Behavior. Kress-Gazit et al.
- SMT-based synthesis of integrated task and motion plans from plan outlines. Nedunuri et al.
- Bodystorming Human-Robot Interactions. Porfirio et al.
Security / Crypto
- Precise Attack Synthesis for Smart Contracts. Feng et al.
- Synthesis of Super-Optimized Smart Contracts Using Max-SMT. Albert et al.
- Automated Synthesis of Semantic Malware Signatures using Maximum Satisfiability. Feng et al.
- Synthesis of fault-attack countermeasures for cryptographic circuits. Eldib et al.
- Syntia: Synthesizing the Semantics of Obfuscated Code. Blazytko et al.
- Look for the Proof to Find the Program: Decorated-Component-Based Program Synthesis. Gascon et al.
Software Engineering
- Component-based synthesis for complex APIs. Feng et al.
- FrAngel: Component-Based Synthesis with Control Structures. Shi et al.
- Automatic repair of regular expressions. Pan et al.
- Angelix: Scalable Multiline Program Patch Synthesis via Symbolic Analysis
- S3: Syntax- and Semantic-Guided Repair Synthesis via Programming by Examples. Le et al.
- AutoPandas: neural-backed generators for program synthesis. Bavishi et al.
- Synthesizing JIT Compilers for In-Kernel DSLs. Van Geffen et al.
- Hamsaz: replication coordination analysis and synthesis. Houshmand et al.
- TASO: Optimizing Deep Learning Computation with Automatic Generation of Graph Substitutions. Jia et al.
- Exact and Approximate Methods for Proing Unrealizability of SyGuS Problems. Hu et al.
- Decidable Synthesis of Programs with Uninterpreted Functions. Krogmeier et al.
- Efficient Synthesis with Probabilistic Constraints. Drews et al.
- Sketch-n-sketch. Chugh et al.
- Visualization by example. Wang et al.